Tools at Our Fingertips

Written under a waning crescent Sagittarius Moon~ oooh lala, are we feeling spicy?

Tools I utilize on almost a daily basis featuring some great CBD grown in NC and a sticker by an awesome lovely artists work, 18lovesart!
Tools on Clayton, February 2022. Featuring a Sticker from @18lovesart ; CBD Pre-roll by @highculturecanna

Ahlo beautiful humans! I hope today is blessing you wherever you are at.

A brief catchup moment: If you've been keeping up and wondering where I've been... please know I have not forgotten this platform~ I am working on a couple posts that I am eager to share, but have felt called to take my sweet time on.

I have also recently (like a little over a week ago) relocated to Saint Petersburg, Florida. Ah, the sunshine state. If you know the Aries in me you know that I am currently embracing the warm sun, free music, and beautiful street art any chance I am given. In my free time I have spent time healing from sickness, completing my 200hr YTT (yay I can officially teach yoga!) and painting or doodling with plans to order some prints to put up for sale here and pop up events around town. Entering this phase has been both challenging and expansive. I am excited to continue growing, learning, and expanding!

There has been so much divine lately.

I'm sitting here writing this post in the company of a new friend, Catarina. Not only is she another Aries goddess, she is creative and investing her time in learning and planning her vending adventures! Check out her awesome tie dyes -- Thunder Dyes and if you're a festival goer keep up with where she may be!

What's crazy sauce is that I met Catarina last night at a Kava spot called Mad Hatters right outside of hustling bustling downtown Saint Pete. This spot was super cool! It's open 24/7 and entertained me and Zach for awhile with a great open mic.

On Sunday I was chatting with one of my dearest soul sistars about being here and the newness of this experience and the difficulties that have come up.

Of course doing some processing with her helped in so many facets, but she really hit the nail on the head when she suggested the need and desire for community~

Having community is something that I innately feel called to. I understand not every human incarnated in this experience may feel that way. But, if you do then hello, me too. Being in community is an opportunity to learn. Sharing space with others is how we are formed from the very beginning of our life.

Needless to say, Catarina and I did not plan to meet up today we just divinely chose the same place to be at the same time, and va-la. Here we are.

What tools were you mentioning...

The divine moments haven't stopped, y'all.

A chick in a coffee shop I was in started talking astrology, and wha-bam my heart moved right into the listening space. I ended up chatting with this beautiful human bean for a few minutes about astrology, yoga, and other mysterious interests.

What really intrigued me was her statement about these modalities as tools.

Generic astrology reports are everywhere. I have an app, you may have a different one. Instagram is full of zodiac memes and posts.

Human design has gained popularity in the past few years. Also has an app, or a few.

Tarot readings, oracle cards, and psychics used to fall into a category of taboo and all of them seem to be accessible on every corner or cellphone.

But do we rely on these things as guidelines?

Or do we view them as tools?

You see, it's easy to read an astrological report and take on each word (which is a spell of sorts) as direction of your reality.

But why would we do that? Especially if it's not telling you what you want.

The opening and accepting of these words and ideas are phenomenal spaces to lean into introspection. And when we allow ourselves to lean into that, and not just believe every word we're digesting as the truth, that is when we are using these things as tools.

Spiritual communities can sometimes feel like the place where if you aren't aware of these reports, or keeping up with retrogrades and your human design map, then you aren't enough. Or you aren't "there."

This is simply not true.

The truth is, is that when we over exert our care and focus on astrology, tarot cards, planetary movements, the moon cycles... we are losing pieces of present awareness and the ultimate experience of incarnation in this place. We are not in alignment to be creating the reality we desire because we are distracted by the realities others are seamlessly creating for us to exist in.

Tools are used to build...

Some people get annoyed by the age old saying... but Rome wasn't built in a day.

And neither is a successful, happy life or lifestyle.

Tools like astrology, yoga practice, eating healthy, journals, planning ahead... man the list goes on... are all wonderful ways to further integrate and maintain a life you want. When we start relying on these things as a rule book or restrictions like "I can't eat that because my diet says no added sugars" or "My horoscope today says I'm not compatible with Capricorns so I'm not going to talk to my partner" it creates more chaos. And chaos breeds chaos. But, a healthy relationship with these tools at our fingertips is possible!

What tools do you utilize on a daily basis?

Are they innate gifts? Are they apps on your phone? Do they reside in a book or journal?

Tools can be tangible and intangible.

My daily checklists of tools sometimes looks like this:

  • Co-Star for fun (I have it set where I receive what I call my fortune daily)
  • Yoga/Stretching to get into the body (embodiment)
  • Music for stimulation
  • Paint brush/sharpie for creations
  • Personality Test ; super useful when thinking about jobs, relationships... and just interesting to ponder. You can check my profile out here!

It gets bigger or smaller depending on the day.

Whatever tools you keep in your tool box, know that they can be utilized to build, deconstruct, reconfigure, or simply add the finishing touches. But they are not there for a reliant relationship or foundation to set the rules and guidelines to life. Think of them as the instruments in the game of Operation where the same one doesn't always fit into different spaces that need surgery. Sometimes we have to switch out what we have for something that works better.

There is no one size fits all for tool bags or boxes. Tools are also not rules to idolize as ways to live.

I want to know what tools you're using...

Drop me a line over here! I am eager to edit this post with resourceful tools you may share that can be helpful for others, including myself, to use!

Also, if you are interested in collaborating on a post or would like to be featured on Every Day Divine, give me a shout. I would love to have some gods and goddesses writing and sharing their stories on this site.

And finally, if you have no idea what types of tools you need or desire and want to chat, please reach out. I'd love to share some of my time and space with you.



Living in Gratitude & 10-10-10


Holding Space with Authenticity