Tapping into Your Power; Authenticity

In a world pulsating with noise and rapid change — full of distracting stimulus in every direction— there’s an elusive, yet profound quality that resonates deeply within us—authenticity. It's more than just being genuine; it’s a frequency that emanates from the core of our being, shaping our connections, relationships, and impact on the world. When we tap into our authentic selves, we emit a resonance that reverberates far beyond our immediate sphere.

Authenticity isn’t a singular trait but a complex interplay of honesty, vulnerability, and alignment with our true values and beliefs. It’s about being true to oneself, embracing imperfections, and living in alignment with our innermost essence. It’s the art of showing up as who we are, unapologetically, in a world that is so demanding of conformity. The process of stepping into our authenticity (whether it be the first time or coming back), it can feel extremely uncomfortable as the modern world sets high expectations of fitting into boxes which so often requires the technique of masking. However, when we let our authentic nature lead, we are actually tapping into our inner most power and showing up as a divine puzzle piece within the universal collective.

Research backs when we operate from a place of authenticity, something remarkable happens—the energy we emit vibrates at its highest frequency. It’s actually 4000 times more powerful than love. Like tuning forks that resonate when struck together, authenticity creates a powerful resonance that draws people, opportunities, and experiences into our orbit. Which ripples out.

So, how do you figure out if you’re being authentic? In full disclosure, only you can make that call. BUT, I put together a few key aspects to check-in with incase you’re feeling totally lost and unsure.

It’s important to remember that authenticity (like many other things) isn’t a fixed destination but a journey— one that requires continuous self-reflection and growth. One that is not linear or fixed in nature, but ebbs and flows and weaves all over.

Here are 4 things to focus on when checking in on authenticity:

  1. Self-Exploration— Adulting requires so many boxes to consistently be checked… and when they’re not, we’re often left feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Everything becomes so rigid, or serious. But why so serious? Really. Engaging in introspection to understand yourself better is crucial. I’m talking understanding and exploring things like your values, passions, and motivations. What are your quirks? And what makes you unique? These are the very fabric of your authenticity.

  2. Vulnerability— “When’s the last time you did something for the first time?” That is 100% a Drake quote… but, also a very real question to ask yourself. When was the last time you opened up to share about your current situation/past woes/or personal beliefs? And lastly, when is the last time you embraced vulnerability as a strength? Allowing ourselves to open up creates space for authentic connections and experiences.

  3. Integrity— We’ve all participated in doing something that didn’t sit right in the gut area… Consciously choosing to align our actions with our beliefs is living authentically. It is important when checking in with yourself you look into how well you are living in congruence with your values, especially when it’s challenging.

  4. Mindfulness— The fast passed, masking world demands so much of our attention, it is hard to remain diligently present in each moment. But, authenticity thrives in the present, not in the present regrets or the future worries. Honestly, I would start with this one. Because if you can confine yourself to being present only to each moment, the magic of living truly begins to unfold before your eyes. This is a difficult practice if you’ve never done it before, so be easy on yourself.

Your authenticity is a beacon of light amongst the chaos. Let your light invite others to embrace their own truth and bask in the liberating energy of divine and pure connection.

When you choose to embrace your authenticity you are not only illuminating your own path, but also contributing to a collective elevation of human consciousness— one authentic soul at a time, connecting the puzzle pieces of this very existence. Be YOU, after all, it is BEA-YOU-Tiful.


Ultimate Surrender + Welcoming New Beginnings